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Q: What muscle flexes the knee and stabilizes the patella?
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The gastronemius muscle is one of the calf muscles and it plantar flexes the foot or flexes the knee.

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Muscle tone of the patella?

The patella is a bone that rides over the top of the knee. Adequate hamstring strength can help keep the patella properly aligned and reduce overall knee pain, but there are no actual muscles in the patella.

What is the scientific name for the knee cap bone?

The small bone at the front of the knee (the knee cap) is called the patella.

What is the function of the patella tibia?

The patella: 1- Increases the lever arm of the quadriceps muscle in its function to extend the knee joint. 2- Redirect the forces exerted by the quadriceps muscle.

What part of the body does the gastrocnemius move?

The gastrocnemius, the large muscle in the calf, flexes the knee and foot.

What is patella femoral syndrome?

It is when your outer leg muscle is way to strong for the inner leg muscle so there is no support for the knee on the inside and the outer muscle is pushing the knee cap inwards. Hope that helps :)

What is the proper term for knee cap?

Patella. Why was this question asked so many times?

What is a patella?

A patella is a kneecap.The patella, in medical terminology, is basically the knee cap.

What is the actual name of your knee cap bone?

Your knee caps are also called Patellae.Or Patella for a single knee cap.

What is the technical name for the kneecap?

the patella is the scientific name for the kneecap

Knee bone called?

The Patella.