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Q: What muscle is named for the arrangement of its fascicles?
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What muscle arrangement fibers run tangentially or feather?

The Pennate arrangement. The fascicles attach obliquely to the tendon.

What is the arrangement of fascicles in orbicularis oris?

The arrangement of the fascicles in orbicularis oris is circular.

Describe fascicle arrangement in a pennate muscle?

The fascicles are short and attach obliquely to a central tendon that runs the length of a muscle.

What is the muscle fiber arrangement in a pennate muscle?

short fibers, arranged obliquely to their tendons

What connective tissue divides a muscle into fascicles?

Perimysium is the connective tissue that divides the muscle into fascicles.

How are the muscle cells arranged with respect to one another?

Muscle fibers are grouped into fascicles, these fascicles form a muscle. The fascicles are arranged in 3 basic patterns. Parallel fascicles are arranged length wise in a parallel form. Circular fascicles are arranged in rings in a concentric pattern. Pennate fascicles are arranged in a feather pattern, with muscles arranged like a feather attached to a tendon along its length.

What are bundles of muscles fibers within a muscle called?

In forming whole muscles, individual muscle fibers are arranged in bundles, or fascicles, held together by fibrous connective tissue.Answer is Fascicles.

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