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Here is the entire list:Scalenes (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)
Sternocleidomastoid (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)
Pectoralis minor (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)
External Intercostals (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)
Internal Intercostals (Depress, assist in exhalation)
Diaphragm (Prime mover of inhalation)When you breathe out, or exhale, your diaphragm relaxes and moves upward into the chest cavity.
The intercostal muscles between the ribs also relax to reduce the space in the chest cavity.

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Q: What muscles do we use to get oxygen into our bodies and carbon dioxide out?
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What gases move into or out of our bodies by diffusion?

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We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide as a result of a change in our bodies. a. physical b. chemical?

We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide as a result of a change in our bodies. Answer - Chemical Change

What is the gas your muscles produce when they are working?

Carbon dioxide.This is due to the fact that muscles need oxygen to function and so uses oxygen and converts it into Carbon dioxide. Hopefully this helps!

What does the pulmonary system do?

Pulmonary system- contains tissues and organs specialized for taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from our bodies and for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.

How the atoms of carbon and oxygen in the carbon dioxide got into our bodies in the first place?

The air which we are breathing is containing about 20% ofcarbon dioxide which got into our bodies while breathing.

Why is more carbon dioxide being produced?

More carbon dioxide is being produced primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These activities release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

What happens if levels of carbon dioxide or oxygen in your body change?

if the oxygen levels are too low, your muscles won't get the oxygen they need from the blood cells. if the carbon dioxide levels are too high, well, carbon dioxide is a waste product, the same thing will happen. this is why when you hold your breathe you pass out. if the muscles don't get the oxygen they need they can't move.

Do the lungs take carbon dioxide from the blood?

No. Your lungs pass oxygen into the blood and also pass carbon dioxide to the air outside your body. Oxygen combines with carbon to form carbon dioxide. This happens in our muscles, among other places.

Is oxygen found in your blood?

Yes. The lungs put oxygen into the blood and takes out carbon dioxide, which you breath out. The blood brings oxygen to all muscles and other tissues in the body and removes carbon dioxide.

What transports oxygen to muscles and take carbon dioxide away?

The blood performs this task.

When inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide as a result of a physical change into your bodies?


What provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide?

Trees and other natural habitats give off oxygen and we remove the carbon dixocide out of our bodies