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The Pelvis and Perineum are divided by 2 diaphragms

1. pelvic diaphragm made up of levator ani muscles which are attached at perineal body this arrangement is just like diaphragm muscle which has a central tendon like perineal body and inferiorly the pelvic diaphragm is covered by colles facia.

2.the other diaphragm is urogenital diaphragm, its upper layer is formed by parietal pelvic fascia and inferior layer is formed connective tissue perineal membrane, between these two layers is called deep perineal pouch which contain deep transverse perineii muscle which is a skeletal muscle and it acts as sphincter urethrae.

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Q: What muscles form the urogenital diaphragm?
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The intercostal muscles. Intercostal means "between ribs".

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The diaphragm, a muscle below the lungs, contracts to pull air into the lungs. In order to forcefully exhale, both the abdominal muscles and the internal intercostal muscles can be contracted to compress the lungs.

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Mainly the diaphragm.

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The intercostals and the diaphragm.