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Type your answer here..masseters and medial pterygoids

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Q: What muscles position condyles in most superior anterior position?
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Where is the anterior superior iliac spine located?

The anterior superior iliac spine provides attachments for ligaments and muscles.

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Anatomic location The anterior muscles include the superior and inferior hyoid muscles. The superior hyoid muscles include the geniohyoideus, mylohyoideus, stylohyoideus, hyoglossus, and anterior belly of the digastricus. These muscles arise from various structures superior to the hyoid bone and insert onto the superior aspect of the hyoid bone.

Which muscles form the epicranius?

Frontalis Occipitalis Temporoparietalis Auricularis Anterior Auricularis Superior Auricularis Posterior Occipitalis (Galea Aponeurotica)

Where are the muscles that flex the arm?

Biceps BrachiiBrachialisFlexor Carpi RadialisFlexor Carpi UlnarisBrachioradialisPronator Teresgenerally they are muscles that lie on the anterior portion of the arm when the body is in anatomical position.

An extensor-flexor muscle not located in the anterior or posterior?

The muscles of the legs do not follow the generalization that extensor muscles are on the posterior and flexor muscles are on the anterior.

Is the bones anterior to the muscles?

Tendons connect muscles to bones and they can be either anterior or exterior to each other, depending on where they are.

Is the pectoralis major muscle anterior or posterior to the subscapularis muscles?


Is the anterior thigh muscles called hamstrings?

No, the hamstring is posterior to the quadriceps.

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What are the saw tooth muscles of the chest?

It's the serratus anterior muscles

What muscles are used front raises?

anterior deltoid pectoralis major serratus anterior

Which surface features along the ilium marks attachment sites for large hip muscles?

You need to be specific about which hip muscles youre talking about, as they originate from different features of the ilium. Sartorius originates on anterior superior iliac spine, while rectus femoris originates on anterior inferior iliac spine. Hope that helps.