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it must provide energy

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Q: What must a substance provide in order to be considered food?
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A food substance such as sugar or starch used to make food?

yes it is a food substance that provide energy

What is substance fishing?

fishing to provide food for one's

What is 'a nutrient'?

A nutrient is a substance in food that the body needs in order to work properly.Nutrients refer to the substances that are metabolized by the animals to build energy and provide energy.A nutrient refers to any substance that can be metabolized by the human bodies to build tissue and give energy.

What type of food did they provide?

In order to answer this question, I need to know who the "they" is, and to whom they are providing food to.

Is a substance a food?

Olive oil is a food substance, Sugar is a food substance etc.

What are some examples of a substance for food?

NaCl, or sodium cholride, which is also salt. It's in most food as substance in order to give it flavor, so that could be an answer (and there are of course more substances). *Hope that answered your question!:)

When the Israelites asked for food in the Wilderness what substance did God provide every morning except on the Sabbath?

God provided the manna (Exodus 16).

Where in a food chain is an Anteater?

An anteater would be considered a 2nd order heterotroph in most cases. An anteater would be considered a 2nd order heterotroph in most cases.

What are the services that the governments provide?

They provide Social Security, Food, Shelter, hospitals etc.The main are Security, Order, Taxes, Laws, and Leadership

What is a synonym for nourish?

To nourish is to provide life sustaining substance to something to ensure healthy growth, Synonyms are feed, maintain, or foster.

What is an additive?

An additive is a substance added to another substance or product in order to alter its properties. It can be variously applied to an arithmetical function or concept, rhythm, or colour. It can be used to refer to a substance added to food to improve its flavour or appearance.

Are foods substances?

Foods, and the ingredients of foods, may be considered substances. However, more precisely, most are combinations of chemical substances. Ordinary salt (sodium chloride) is a pure substance, while pepper contains numerous chemical compounds, each of which can be considered a separate "substance."