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Countermajoritarianism and a respect for minority rights are required in a liberal democracy.

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Q: What must accompany majority rule in the American concept of democracy?
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Related questions

Why is the concept of majority rule so important in democracy?

Democracy works by majority rule this means that citizens agree that they will abide by what most people want.

Why is the concept of majority rule so important in a democracy?

it is important because it lets you pick your leader and everyone else has to abide by that leaders rules

Why is concept of majority rule so important in a democracy?

it is important because it lets you pick your leader and everyone else has to abide by that leaders rules

What is Liberal democracy?

liberal concept of democracy

The necessity of listening to a small groups objections and suggestions is an example of which basic concept of American democracy?

The necessity of listening to a small group's objections and suggestions is an example of the concept of minority rights in American democracy. This principle ensures that even minority viewpoints are heard and considered in decision-making processes to prevent the tyranny of the majority.

What are the concept of democracy?

The most basic concepts of democracy are as follows: 1. Necessity of compromise 2. Equality of all persons 3. Majority rule with minority rights 4. Individual Liberty 5. Worth of the individual

What is a basic concept of Democracy?

The basic concept of any Democracy is "majority rule." Pure Democracy is both praised and ridiculed due to this fact.Some people feel that majority rule is the most morally acceptable and practical form of governing. Others feels that Democracy is "two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch." That is, "mob rule," in which the majority can do anything they please to the minority, regardless of its morality or practicality. Still others feel that Democracy is morally acceptable only when implemented in an indirect manner.This is what the current U.S. governmental system is based on: a Constitutional Representative Democratic Republic. That is, a republic in which the people democratically choose leaders to represent them, who are (supposedly) bound by a constitution.

How have the ancient Hebrews contirbuted to your modern concept of democracy?

The ancient Hebrews had no concept of democracy, and therefore had contributed nothing to it.

Was Feudalism an early form of democracy?

No there is no connection between the concept of feudalism and democracy.

When did democracy fall?

Your question doesn't make sense: democracy can't fall - it's a concept.

The Mayflower Compact is an example of which concept?

direct democracy

What English institution contribute greatly to American democracy?

The English institution that contributed greatly to American democracy is the British Parliament. The American colonists drew inspiration from the English Parliament's system of representative government, including the concept of a bicameral legislature with a House of Commons and a House of Lords. The ideas and structures of English parliamentary democracy influenced the development of the United States' own system of government.