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The Trumpet is an alto instrument.

The Trombone is a tenor or bass instrument.

They operate an octave apart so you cannot perform all the same notes on the trumpet as the trombone. There is some crossover however.

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Q: What must be done in order for a trumpet to be able to perform the same notes as a trombone?
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Is the trombone lower than the bari sax?

Tuba, it is the longest so it creates the lowest tones. In order it would be tuba, baritone and trombone. Baritone and trombone are basically the same but baritone sounds a bit better at the lowest part of its range.

Which brass instrument plays the highest note?

A trumpet plays the highest notes of all the brass instruments Other relatively common brass instruments include (in descending order by pitch): Flugelhorn Mellophone French Horn Trombone Baritone Euphonium Tuba Although flutes and clarinets can play higher notes than trumpets, flutes and clarinets are part of the woodwind family.

Why is a trumpet a brass?

It is because in order to play a brass instrument you need to vibrate your lips in order to play notes.

What is the highest pitched instrument in a brass family?

There are many brass instruments smaller than a tuba, because the tuba is the largest of the brass instruments. The instruments smaller than it in order from largest to smallest are: Baritone Horn, Euphonium, Trombone, Trumpet, Cornet, Piccolo Trumpet.

What are the brass instruments highest to lowest tone?

lowes-highest tuba, french horn, trombone, trumpet. I have to say I am trully honered to be represented on this website to help people who are really lost with their music, we will always be here to help you :) ------ Actually, you're apparently one of those lost people, because the trombone is lower than the horn. I'm not entirely sure which is higher, trumpet or horn, but I think they're about the same. I know on the trumpet how high you can go depends on your skill, and I'm pretty sure it's the same for the horn. So I think it would be: tuba, trombone, horn/trumpet. I think that depending on e skill of the player, either the trumpet or the horn could be highest brass instrument. Also, this list doesn't include all brass instruments, like baritone (same pitches as a trombone, but it uses valves, not a slide) and soprano trumpet (higher han a trumpeter horn, but it's a type of trumpet, so...) and flugelhorn or cornet (around the same pitch as a trumpet.) also, a bugle is like a trumpet. And that's not all the brass instruments. I'm sure there re more, I just can't think of them at the moment.

How is trombone played?

You have to make a buzzing sound in the mouthpiece to make a sound. In order to play high notes, you tighten your lips and in order to play low notes, you relax them. If you are playing a slide trombone, you need to put your slide in certain positions in order to play the notes correctly. If it's just a valve trombone, you have certain fingerings for notes.

How do you transpose from trumpet to French horn?

You play a whole step down from the written note. When an F horn player is asked to play a written C, the note that will come out will be an F concert pitch. When an Eb horn player is asked to play a written C, the note that will come out will be an Eb concert pitch. That is why they are called F and Eb instruments. So when an F horn player is asked to play a C written for an Eb horn, in order to play the concert Eb, he will have to play a Bb. You will be adding two flats to your key signature (mentally), and if sharps are in the Eb part's key signature, you will cancel two of them. In the case of the key of G major, where there is only one sharp, you will cancel the sharp and add one flat.

How do you read sheet music for trombone?

Reading notes are simple. if you have a trombone but dont have music.. or a book to tell you what notes are what position the visit this site. it may seem weird but the picture shows notes and below the notes it says the positions for the notes . if your unfamiliar with positions then see here is shows all the positions for the trombones slide to be in order to hit a B flat you simply keep the slide all the way in and make a buzzing sound with your two lips closed (your teeth must be open) buzz with your lips.

Which drums are in the orchestra?

There are many percussion instruments that can be used in the symphony orchestra, but the most common are timpani, bass drum and cymbals, also the triangle.

What is a common way to organize woodwind instruments on an orchestral score from top to bottom?

If the question is about the score order of instruments on a page, from top to bottom it goes flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, timpani, percussion, violins, viola, cello, bass.

Did Miles Davis die after he played the trumpet?

Yes. He played trumpet. He died. In that order. Not the other way around.

Do you need two Trumpet Vines in order to get one to flower?

No, you can take a cutting from a trumpet vine, plant it, and it will grow and flower.