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Phoenix is a bird born with the ashes of it's own fire.

Also Dragon

Answer #2:

The Salamander is the Elemental of Fire, and was supposed to be a lizard-like animal who lived in flames. The name has been given to living lizard-like species (that are not related to either lizards or Elementals).

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Q: What mythical creature represents the element fire?
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Firebird, Thunderbird, Sunbird and Phoenix? its dodge phoenix, Pontiac phoenix, ford thunder bird and Pontiac fire bird all the same mythical creature

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A dragon is neither an insect or something else. It is a mere fantasy creature with no exact element. The element all depends on what the dragon is. If it is a fire dragon its element is fire.

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Lightning is a mythical element as in earth air fire water and the such. But an actual scientific element? No. Lightning isn't even matter. It is energy moving from atom to atom

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its the fire beast and the fire beast is a mythical creature witch is for most metal bands an insperation for songs and in most song recalled as the beast who created heavy matal out of its body of molten metal.

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The red candle and the cardinal direction South represent the Element of Fire.

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Firefox is a mythical creature that can breathe fire, eat fire, fart fire etc. Everything about it is fire like. some say if you look at its eyes then your whole body and soul catches fire. Jokes apart it is supposed to be a catchy name, like we had Mozilla.

Do chimeras fly?

well, chimeras are a mythical creature that, usually, are fire breathing and are commonly represented with a lion head, a body of a goat and a serpents tail. supposedly they don't have wings so i don't think that they can fly but they are only an unreal creature from our imagination.

Why is fire sagittarius element?

Fire represents passion, initiative and extroversion. Sagittarius is a sign passionate about its beliefs and sharing its knowledge with others. It is adventurous and outgoing.