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Different ORCHID flowers are designed to attract particular insects, so I think the answer is ORCHIDS.

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Q: What name Plant varieties pollinated by different insects?
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Why does an pollinated plant need petals and scent?

To attract the insects by color and smell

Are shrubs flowering plants?

No, shrubs are not wind pollinated therefore not a flowering plant. Most flowering plants are pollinated by insects, :D

Is a zoophilious plant pollinated by insects?

Yes it would be because zoophilous means pollinated by animals.

Do elephants pollinate rafflesia?

No. Rafflesia is pollinated by insects. They are attracted to the plant by its odour of rotting meat.

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Yams are a flowering plant. They can be pollinated by insects but camel hair brushes used by humans is more efficient.

What is the dandelion plant pollinated by?

Other "lucky" dandelions! The dandelion can self-pollinate, although like other flowering plants, it is mostly pollinated by insects, bees primarily.

Wind pollinated flowers do not make nectar why?

Nectar is produced by flowers to attract insects, bats or birds that will help to carry its pollen to other plants (and bring fresh pollen to it). If a plant is pollinated in the wind, then it doesn't need to spend the energy to make nectar.

How do plants get pollinated even though they can't move?

The wind carries pollen from plant to plant, and insects such as bees and hummingbirds collect and transfer it while feeding on the nectar.

What is pollinated flowers?

A flowering plant whose seed production is facilitated by insect pollinators is what an insect-pollinated flower is. Pollinating insects move pollen grains from female to male plant parts or from female part-only plants to male part-only plants.

How does popcorn flower reproduce?

popcorn is the seed of the corn plant (a particular variety), produced on the corn cob. generally pollinated by the wind and insects

How do fruit trees breed true if they must be pollinated by a different variety?

When any tree is pollinated the resultant seed will be at least slightly different from the parent plants, even if the two parent trees are clones of each other. To get fruit trees that are exactly the same as the parent plant, cuttings are taken. For varieties that require a different variety to pollinate successfully, the genetics of the seed produced does not matter as it is the fruit that is used.

How is a plant that has a petals a pollinated?

Most plants are pollinated by bees, butterflies, moths or other flying insects. Some are pollinated by wind or rain such as wheat and corn. Some are pollinated by flies and emit a smelly odor like a cadaver or feces. Some plants, such as cacti, are pollinated by bats. In North and South America hummingbirds pollinate tube shaped flowers.