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Q: What nation in Judaism most widely practiced?
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What religions are practiced the most in Algeria?

Islam is the most widely practiced religion in Algeria by far, with over 99% of Algerians practicing Sunni Islam. Christianity and Judaism are the next most widely practiced, both combining to form 1% of the population.

What religion was practiced before islam?

most widely the religious groups were pagans; polythesists

Where in the world is Judaism most practiced in?

Israel and America.

What was the most practiced religion in Bethlehem at Jesus birth?

The most practiced religion in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus' birth was Judaism. Bethlehem was a primarily Jewish town and part of the region of Judea, where Jewish religious practices and beliefs were prevalent. Jesus himself was born into a Jewish family and would have been raised in accordance with Jewish customs.

Which religon is most widely practiced in the US?


Is the most widely practiced religion in Europe?


What country practices the most of Christianity judaism or Islam?

Christianity and Judaism is practiced mostly in the western world and Islam is mostly practiced in 3rd World Countries

What is the most widely religion practiced in Europe?


What is the most practiced religion in Barcelona?

catholism followed by islam followed by judaism

In which region is Islam most widely practiced?

Southwest Asia

What is Europe's main religion?

Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in Europe

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