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new years day, labor day, and independence day :)

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Q: What national holidays are celebrated in Lebanon?
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National holidays celebrated in October are United Nations Day and Columbus Day. National holidays celebrated in February are Veterans Day and Presidents Day.

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National holidays are unique to a nation so Spanish National holidays would not be celebrated in other countries. Spain has a strong Roman Catholic history and celebrates many Roman Catholic holidays. Roman Catholic holidays are celebrated according to the ecclesiastical calender of the Church of Rome so they are celebrated the same day all over the world. Other Spanish speaking countries will celebrate these religious holidays the same day as they are celebrated in Spain. If they are a national holiday in Spain that is a coincidence, and a reflection of the Spanish Catholic faith.

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Makah holidays are celebrated by fishing and dancing by the fire

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No, each holiday is celebrated separately. Christmas is one of the holidays in December, but there are also other holidays celebrated in other religions.

When was Father's Day 2012 in Lebanon?

Father's Day in Lebanon is celebrated every June 21.

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There were several holidays celebrated in Ancient Greece. A few of the holidays celebrated were Anthesteria, Pithoigia, and Chytroi.

What holidays are not celebrated in the US?

There are many holidays not celebrated in the US. The Queen's Birthday, ANZAC day and Australia Day are just three of many holidays not celebrated or recognised in the US.

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Every research station celebrates the holidays that are celebrated in the country that supports the station.