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Q: What natural events does this myth 'hades' explain?
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What is one myth or legend that helped the ancient Greeks explain the unexplainable?

the trojan horse myth

Why have the Greeks inveted most things?

Greek mythology actually was a relegion in ancient times, it was not called mythology though. It was created by the greeks to explain natural occurances or things that they could not otherwise explain. Another reason is that some blind people would tell stories and they were adopted as a myth.

What is the significance of Tiamats tears in the myth Enuma Elish and Marduks Reign?

C. to explain the origin of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Source: e2020 Quiz

How does the myth of phaeton explain the popular trees that grow along the bank along the river Eridanus?

In the myth, Phaethon is killed by Zeus when riding across the sky in his chariot. He then falls to his death in the river Eridanus where his sisters gather to mourn him. They turn into poplar trees, their tears the sap that oozes from them.

How would you disprove one particular historical myth?

Firstly a myth is a story made up because there is no known or understood natural answer at the time, ie primitive peoples did not understand natural causes and made up a story to explain th unknowns. Now of course we have a rapidly increasing scientific understanding of how and why, so the way to deal with a myth is simply to state what actually happens. For example the creation myth is replaced by things like the big bang theory, the creation of man by evolution, and so on. Really easy stuff, because a myth is a made up story, it can't stand up to fact. What needs to be kept in mind is that there is a second level - legend, which is a traditional story, widely held to be true. As these legends have been built up as folklore, they have to be addressed by historical research - literature, plays, historical accounts, official records, diaries, pottery, frescoes, archaeological and geological methods and so on. The effectiveness of such reconstructions is dependent on the quality of the reference materials and the objectivity and ability of both the originators and the persons trying to interpret them.