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oil, vines, wood, water

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Drake Rodriguez

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3d ago

The Incas utilized a variety of Natural Resources in their empire, including gold, silver, copper, tin, and precious stones like emeralds and turquoise. They also relied on agricultural resources such as maize, potatoes, quinoa, and cotton, as well as medicinal herbs and plants for their healing practices. In addition, the Incas made use of local building materials like stone and clay for constructing their impressive architectural structures.

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Q: What natural resources did the incas use?
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What are the natural resources of the Incas?

The Incas had access to a variety of natural resources, including agricultural products like potatoes, maize, and quinoa, as well as minerals such as gold, silver, and copper. They also utilized resources like cotton, llama wool, and alpaca fur for textiles and trading commodities. The Andean region's diverse ecosystems provided the Incas with the resources necessary for their thriving empire.

What were the incas capital resources?

The Inca Empire had a variety of capital resources, including their agricultural knowledge and terraced farming techniques, abundant mineral resources such as gold, silver, and copper, an extensive road network for transportation and communication, and a large labor force for construction and other projects. Additionally, they had control over vast territories with diverse climates and ecosystems, allowing them to access a wide range of natural resources.

Aztecs and Incas adapted to their environment?

Both the Aztecs and Incas were highly skilled at adapting to their respective environments. They utilized advanced agricultural techniques such as terrace farming and irrigation systems to cultivate crops in challenging landscapes. Additionally, they constructed elaborate cities and infrastructure that took advantage of natural resources like waterways and mountains for protection and sustenance.

In what way was the stonework of the incas so remarkable?

The stonework of the Incas was remarkable for its precision, with stones fitting tightly together without the use of mortar. They incorporated intricate carvings and angles that have withstood centuries of natural disasters and weathering. The techniques used by the Incas in their stonework allowed their structures to endure earthquakes due to the way the stones were interlocked.

Why did the Spanish attack the Incas?

The Spanish attacked the Incas primarily for their wealth and resources, such as gold and silver. They also sought to expand their empire and convert the indigenous population to Christianity. Additionally, the Spanish were driven by a desire for power and control in the region.

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What are the natural resources of the Incas?

The Incas had access to a variety of natural resources, including agricultural products like potatoes, maize, and quinoa, as well as minerals such as gold, silver, and copper. They also utilized resources like cotton, llama wool, and alpaca fur for textiles and trading commodities. The Andean region's diverse ecosystems provided the Incas with the resources necessary for their thriving empire.

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