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Q: What new car technology are attempting to conserve energy?
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Related questions

How did your model car conserve energy?

I don't have a model car.

How does a hybrid conserve energy?

In a hyrid car, when you brake the energy that is used is transferred back into electricity instead of totally lost as heat energy.

Why is sloth s is slow?

It is to conserve energy. If they stay paced, they don't lose as much energy. Like when your car is low on gas. ^_^

Why did scientist invent the chocolate fueled race car?

because they were going green and wanted to conserve more energy for the earth.

How can I help stop the Energy crisis of 2012?

Do not use a Lot of Power, Conserve, Reduce , Reuse , And be the better person Car Pool

Give two examples of ways to conserve energy at home?

There are many ways. In many cases people can drive less by car pooling, taking mass transit, walking or riding a bike to work. In the home, using less air conditioning is a second way to conserve less energy.

How atomic energy will work in bikes or cars?

It won't - not with current technology. Current technology requires huge installations to harness atomic energy. This can be done on fixed locations, or on large ships or submarines, but not in a bike or small car.

Has nuclear energy been used to power a car?

not yet, but technology is getting better, so you never know....

What are some examples of emerging technology?

biomass nuclear energy sustainable turbine

Why get solar powered power cars?

They conserve energy and it uses a renewable green fuel source. Environmental reasons. You can not buy a solar powered car at present. It is unlikely they will ever be commercially available due to the amount of energy available from the sun verses the small area of the car. If they did, you would have a car capable of moving hundreds of feet each week. The weight to power ratio for a legal car is too heavy for available energy.

How do you start a car where do you put the keys?

If you have to ask, then you have no business even attempting to drive a car.

Why does your car jerk after shifting?

The car is attempting to find the next gear, stopping the car while finding it, and then moving on.