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Historically, this list shows how news of new technologies and advancements, along with new ideas and thinking, rapidly occurred across civilizations because:

  • Through oral stories within one tribe that were spread to other tribes.
  • Tribes would war and take prisoners; Cultures 'met' through wars.
  • Trade by land between different peoples and cultures.
  • Through migrations, first by land and sea; after 1492, by ocean travel.
  • Town criers at castles and town centers delivering proclamations from Kings.
  • Through plays and theater.
  • Sailors engaged in trade, traveling the seas around Asia and Europe.
  • After 1492, by sailors engaged in trade over oceans and seas, going to and from the New World as they followed Trade Routes and Trade Winds.
  • After the invention of typeset, through small newspapers which steadily increased readership.
  • After the invention of the printing press, through books and pamphlets.
  • Through poems, plays, stories.
  • In colonial America, by Clergy who were "Supply clergy" or rode a "Circuit" (Circuit Riders) between churchesto preach.
  • After the invention of steam ships, by increased and easier travel.
  • After the invention of the railroad, by railroad passengers and employees.
  • After the invention of cameras (1800s), through sharing of images (though sharing developed slowly between cultures).
  • Through letter writing, especially after US mail was established; and Airmail between people in different countries across the oceans.
  • Through the Underground Railroad and the freeing of Slaves.
  • Through the Women's fight to vote.
  • After the invention of the Telegraph, by telegraph.
  • Vaudeville Travelling acts that went to small towns across the US.
  • After the invention of moving picture film, through movies and movie theaters.
  • Through Board Room meetings of businessmen in major corporations. (Ford, Chevrolet, US Steel)
  • Through the beginnings of Unions, specifically for Coal workers, Steel Workers, Auto workers.
  • After the invention of the Telephone, by telephone, though use of phones in the home was slow to spread at first.
  • After the invention of radio, by public radio broadcasts.
  • After the invention of walkie-talkies, such as used in WWI, by walkie talkie and Ham Radio.
  • After the invention of television, through TV news and commercials.
  • After the invention of mobile car phones (permanently attached in cars), via car phones.
  • After the invention of pagers, pagers were used in conjunction with wired telephones (homes, businesses, payphones).
  • After the invention of the World Wide Web, by internet, which has progressively developed.
  • After the invention of cellular "mobile" hand-held phones, by cellphone.
  • etc.

It all began with war, migrations, and trade.

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through trade
improvement in communication

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Improvements in communication.

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Teh Interwebz :D

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