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Q: What nickname was given to the us during the large influx of immigrants during the industrial age?
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What created the greatest need for urban social programs during the late 1800s?

the influx of immigrants to industrial cities

How did the influx of immigrants affect industrial workers in the US at the turn of the century?

they worked intendently at oak farm catography

Why was there a influx of Chinese immigrants to America during the mid-1800's?

They were part of the California Gold Rush of 1849.

When did the influx of immigrants to the US triple then quadruple?

1840s to 1850s

What factors helped to promote the US's industrial growth during the period from 1860 to 1900?

Three of the most important factors were the Republican party's platform, the massive influx of immigrants and invention and/or use of machines as the primary source of power. Of these machines, the railroad is arguably the most important.

What caused the increase in tenements?

Depression, poverty and huge influx of immigrants.

What are the consequences of the influx of new immigrants?

B. An upsurge of anti-Catholicism.

Did the influx of Irish immigrants contribute to Americas tolerance of ethnic and religious pluralism?


How did the influx of immigrants from Europe affect American culture in the early 1900s?


Why did congress make changes in immigration laws during the 1920s?

During the 1920s Congress put limitations on Immigration. The limitations slowed down the influx of millions of immigrants. 40 million people immigrated to the United States between 1880 and 1920.

What were the various governmental and social reaction to the influx of immigrants?

Governments implemented immigration restrictions and quotas, as well as assimilation policies to manage the influx of immigrants. Social reactions included nativist movements, discrimination, and instances of xenophobia towards immigrants. However, there were also efforts to provide support and assistance to help immigrants integrate into their new societies.

What was th post in 1890 influx of people from southern and eastern Europe?

new immigrants.