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There are no instructions in the 8085 that execute in only one clock pulse. The minimum number of clock cycles is four; three for instruction fetch and one for instruction decode/execute.

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Q: What no of instruction will be execute by using only one clock pulse in 8085 microprocessor?
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Why 2 grounds are used in microprocessor?

one is for the vcc and another for the clock pulse

What is speed in nature of computers?

in computers speed refers to the number of instructions acomputer can execute at every clock pulse

What is pipelining in pic microcontroller?

In PIC Microcontroller , During the Fatching of instruction no. 1it needs of one clock cycle, then after for the exicution of instruction no. 1 it reqires one extra clock cycle , but at the same time it fatches inst. no. 2 . Similarly, during the execution time of inst. no. 2 , it fatches inst. no. 3 and so on.In other words we can say that, PIC Microcontroller requires 2 clock cycle at starting the after it requires only one clock pulse. In this way we can say that instruction pipelining is done in PIC microcontroller.

What is a fetch as a cycles in a CPU?

The first part of the instruction execution cycle is the fetch cycle. Tnstruction cycle Each computer's CPU can have different cycles based on different instruction sets, but will be similar to the following cycle: 1. Fetch the instruction The next instruction is fetched from the memory address that is currently stored in the Program Counter (PC), and stored in the Instruction register (IR). At the end of the fetch operation, the PC points to the next instruction that will be read at the next cycle. 2. Decode the instruction The decoder interprets the instruction. During this cycle the instruction inside the IR (instruction register) gets decoded. 3.In case of a memory instruction (direct or indirect) the execution phase will be in the next clock pulse. If the instruction has an indirect address, the effective address is read from main memory, and any required data is fetched from main memory to be processed and then placed into data registers(Clock Pulse: T3). If the instruction is direct, nothing is done at this clock pulse. If this is an I/O instruction or a Register instruction, the operation is performed (executed) at clock Pulse. 4. Execute the instruction The Control Unit of CPU passes the decoded information as a sequence of control signals to the relevant function units of the CPU to perform the actions required by the instruction such as reading values from registers, passing them to the ALU to perform mathematical or logic functions on them, and writing the result back to a register. If the ALU is involved, it sends a condition signal back to the CU.

What type of signal must be applied to the input of a microprocessor?

square pulse signal

What is the clock speed of the CPU?

There's no real way to determine the "average clock speed" of a CPU, unless you can account for every microprocessor ever made. Microprocessors, including those used for central processing units, have ranged in speeds from 500 KHz to 6 GHz.

What is meant by clock pulse in computer organisation?

the timing of all registers in the basic computer is controlled by a master clock generation.the clock pulses are applied to all flip-flops and registers in the system,including the flip-flops and registers in the control unit.the clock pulses donot change the state of register until it recieves an signal from control unit,these control signals are generated in control unit and provide control inputs for multiplexers in common bus to choose a particular process register!

What is a pulse rate of a clock measured in?

frequency of an oscillator crystal

Differecne between synchronous circuit and a asynchronous circuit?

Synchronous circuits operate under the influence of s clock pulse while asynchronous circuits operate without the influence of a clock pulse

How is a pulse described as regular or irregular?

If you think of an old clock that ticks, it has a regular rhythm. Pulse can be regular like a clock.. tick...tick...tick... An irregular pulse has shorter or longer pauses between beats...ticktick...tick.......tick...tick...ticktick...

What are clock inputs?

A clock input is a regular periodic pulse that can be used as a trigger to sequence timing-important activities.