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the amount of x and y chromosomes you have.

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11y ago

21 Chromosomes.

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Q: What number of chromosomes determines if you are a male or female?
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Related questions

How much chromosomes do each male and female contribute toward the formation of a new human?

The male and female each contribute 23 chromosomes, one of which determines the sex of the baby/new human

What chromosomes determine a person gender?

Xy chromosomes= boy xx chromosomes= female

How chromosomes determines whether and child is male or female?

Females have two X chromosomes. Males have one X and one Y.

In human which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

In humans, which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

One of the pair of chromosomes that determines the sex of an individual?

The 23rd pair in a karyotype shows if it will be male or female

What gene determines whether a human will develop into a male or female?

The Y-chromosome. Think of it this way: Each person contains the genes to be a female. These genes are inherited on the X-chromosome which every normal person has. However, if you have a Y-chromosome, you now posses the genes to make a male, and are thus will be a male.

What types of chromosomes in humans determines the gender of the baby?

The sex chromosomes...XX for a female, XY for a male, with some other relatively rare variations.

What determines the sex of the organism?

The male has an x and a y sex chromosome. The female has two x sex chromosomes.

What determines whether an embryo will become male or female?

In humans, gender is determined by the x and y chromosomes, with xx being a genetic female and xy being a genetic male

What are sex chromosomes in a human male?

We call these sex chromosomes. Whether you are a male or female depends on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes. The sex chromosomes are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. If you have two XX, you will show female characteristics and If you have XY you will show male characteristics.

How many chromosomes are there in sex cells and why?

22 pair of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes. A male determines the sex with XY chromosomes and the female only has YY. 23; half of the normal 46 for a cell. This is so when the male and female cells meet, they will form a normal 46-chromosome cell.

What is a normal male karyotype?

The male karyotype has 46 chromosomes the same as the female karyotype:23 chromosomes are inherited from your father.