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Q: What number of people litter in Canada?
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What number of people litter?

About 500 or 600 people litter

What is the average number of people who litter?

There are over 100,000 people who are littering right now

What do you call people who litter?

Litter bugs Litter Bugs

What sort of people litter?

i think that lazy dumb people litter.

Do people litter in California?

Yes. People litter in all states

What is the thing people litter the most?

people litter cigarettes most

How many kittens are in a litter?

The number of kittens in a litter varies from cat to cat and even from litter to litter. It is most common for cats to have three to six kittens per litter.

The presence of litter leads people to litter more true or false?

It is most definetly true because when people see litter, it makes them think it is ok to.

Does the size of a dog affect the number of puppies there is in a litter?

Yes it does. If a dog has a litter the puppies, the litter and size of offspring affected.

How many adults live in Canada?

There are about 300 thousand adults that live in Canada. This number fluctuates based on the number of people who move in and out of the country.

How much percent of people litter?

There are a lot of people who litter. The percent of people who litter is 90% of Americans. Source:

What do people litter?

It isn't that people don't litter outside. It is that they are not supposed to litter outside. Many communities have regulations against littering because it affects other people's properties and someone has to clean up after those who litter. Litter is unsightly and can create safety and health hazards.