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Carbohydrates provide energy for muscles in the form of glycogen.

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Q: What nutrient provides energy for the muscle in the form of glycogen?
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What nutrient do you need to refuel muscle glycogen?

Although there are a few sources/pathways, typically its glucose (a sugar/carbohydrate) that refuels muscle glycogen

How is glycogen present in the muscle cell?

Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in the muscle cell. Glycogen can be used for energy.

What are the major functions of glycogen granule?

The major storage form of energy in animals is glycogen ,it is stored in glycogen granule . Therefore glycogen granules in muscle cell act as stores of energy , since muscle cells requires alot of energy to perform their functions.

What stores energy in muscle?

Muscles do store a form of glycogen for energy conversion.

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If Glycogen used to store energy in the liver and muscle tissue is an example of which type of molecule?


What is the difference between liver glycogen and muscle glycogen?

Liver glycogen has low glycogenin content as compared to muscle glycogen.. liver glycogen responds to glucagon but muscle glycogen responds to catecholamines.. liver glycogen is used for the maintenance of blood glucose levels, but muscle glycogen is used for the supply of energy to the muscles liver glycogen can be completely broken down to glucose because of the presence of glucose 6 phosphatase, which does not occur in the muscles

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When you exercise vigorously glycogen is broken down in muscle cells providing energy to?

muscle cells.

Energy storage molecule found in liver and muscle cells?


What nutrient intake after exercise is most effective in replenishing muscle glycogen?

carrots and squid rings also a bit of spinach juice

How do the muscle cells get energy needed to make glycogen?

They use glucose to release energy using respiration.