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Tomatoes contain lots of good vitamins which will help you grow properly.

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Q: What nutrients are in tomato?
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What nutrients does tomato provide?


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What nutrients are in tomato soup such as vitamins?

In canned tomato soup there is Vitamin E and lycopene.

How much nutrients in a bush tomato?

12 grams ;0

How does tomato help a plant?

Tomato plants get their nutrients from the soil. The absorb in into their system by using their roots. Tomato plants also need light and oxygen, which they get from their leaves.

What nutrients are found in tomato puree?

Vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron.

What type of nutrients do you get for eating fresh tomato?

I guess its vitamin c.because its good for our skin.

How do tomatoes give us nutrients?

They give you sauce for tomato sauce for bolognese :) xx

What soil is the best for tomato plants?

Tomato plants can only take up nutrients from the soil if the pH levels are correct. You will want to get it tested. The correct level should range between 6.0 and 6.8. The links below provide a good synopsis for tomato cultivation.

What kind of placentation does tomato have?

I'm an amateur and also I'm not sure why you're asking, but: It's the part near the center of the tomato that the seeds seem to come out of. The tomato placenta is where the seeds get their nutrients from. When you slice a tomato, there's that "chamber" full of slime and seeds, and the inner curved portion of the chamber is the placenta. It tastes just like the other parts of a tomato. Does that answer your question?

If I peel a tomato what nutrients am I leaving behind?

According to a study in New Zealand, by removing the tomato skin, you are removing phenolics, flavonoids, lycopene, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity. Check the discussion below for a link to a summary of the study.

if 2 tomato seeds are planted in one pot and 8 tomato seeds are planted in another pot, what would you expect after 2 months if EVERYTHING was the same fir both posts quizizz?

they all die fighting for nutrients