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The restrictions only apply from sunup to sundown, so a pregnant woman shouldn't be lacking in anything. In addition, the religion of Islam makes exception for those with medical issues such as pregnancy.

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Q: What nutrients are lacking in a pregnant woman during the fast of Ramadan?
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There is no special role for women during Ramadan fasting. Muslim woman role in Ramadan fasting is the same as that for the Muslim man. Her role as woman or wife during the month of Ramadan should be the same as woman and/or wife role out of Ramadan month. The only exception is that she should break fasting during the menstruation (period) and to compensate for these not fasted days after end of Ramadan but before the next year Ramadan. Also, if she is pregnant or feeding her child and can't fast from health point of view, then she is entitled to break fasting and compensate for these days as soon as convenient to her. Refer to question below for more information.

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The answer is..... Ramadan

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The sick, the young (under puberty), the elderly, the insane, travellers, and women who are pregnant or in their period.

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Ramadan is a month of obligatory daily fasting in Islam. It is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar.The month of Ramadan.

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