

What occurs during a wind erosion?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Erosion occurs when strong winds blow removing the top fertile layer of soil.

  • The top soil containing clay,loam and organic matter is carried away by strong winds to many kilometers and deposited elsewhere forming fertile surface soil especially in Europe and North America, where productive farming has developed.
  • Dunes, formed by mounds of sand, move by strong winds burying oases and ancient cities.
  • Sedimentation crusts are degraded on the surface of stripped soils, weathering the rocks with abrasion at their base where they are in contact with the soil.
  • Sheets of sand traveling close to the ground degrades crops in semi-arid zones.
  • Wind erosion reduces the nutrients and water in soil, making the environment drier.
  • Only large rocks are left when the lose soil is slowly shifted afar by the wind.
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soil erosion occurs when the surface of the soil is being washed away by erosion agents such as wind, rain, flood etc.

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Erosion occurs when rock is washed, blown, or carried away.

What is wind erosion?

Wind erosion is the movement of material by the wind and occurs when the lifting power of moving air is able to exceed the force of gravity and the friction which holds an object to the surface. The movement of sand dunes is an example of wind erosion.

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Wind erosion is the erosion of sediment by wind. This occurs when the lifting power of moving air is able to exceed the force of gravity.

How most wind erosion occurs?

Wind erosion is the act of the winds having one opposing force moving against another. Wind erosion carries fine particles of clay and dust from one area to another.

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Erosion happens during weathering

What type of erosion that can cause dunes?

Dunes are typically formed by wind erosion, specifically through a process called aeolian erosion. This occurs when wind transports and deposits sand grains, shaping them into dunes over time.

How does soil erosion occur?

soil erosion occurs when the surface of the soil is being washed away by erosion agents such as wind, rain, flood etc.