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when you exercise you body burns fat and sugar, in order to burn fat it requires oxygen. the faster you work out the more oxygen your body needs to burn the fat in your blood. When you are breathing hard, you are not getting enough oxygen and you system starts to burn more sugar. The fat will not be properly burned in the muscles. When you stop exercising your body will still attempt to replace the oxygen in your blood stream until it normalizes. The harder you are breathing thats a sign that you are lacking oxygen to the muscles.

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Q: What occurs when you continue to breathe hard once you stop exercising?
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because you get really nervous and you kind of just breathe hard or blush it happens to everyone

Why does a runner breathe heavier she is exercising than when she is asleep?

Well, when you are running, your heart beats faster. when your heart beats faster, taht means it is trying to get more blood to your body. when you breath, it helps that prosses. when you are asleep, you are not working hard, are you? it is as easy as that.