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Q: What of Missouri seemed to violate the U.S Constitution?
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What is the Supreme Law of Land and how does it help unite the US?

Article 6 of the US Constitution states the US Constitution is the Supreme Law of Land. It helps unite the US because no State can create legally binding laws that could violate the Constitution. Otherwise, we could have 50 States making their own rules that violate citizens' rights, and chaos would ensue. The US Constitution keeps and safeguards "the union" of the United States.

How did the marshal court interpret the constitution in the rulings?

The Marshall Court set the precedent that US laws could be devalidated if they were found to violate the US Constitution and gave the courts this power.

Is the Missouri Constitution much more detailed than the US Constitution?

" The fourth and current Missouri State Constitution is more than eight times longer than our U.S. Constitution and has been amended hundreds of times" <>

State reserved powers?

In the US and under the US Constitution, states have all the powers not granted to the Federal government. The US states have many powers and authority over many issues as long as the states do not violate the US Constitution.

Does the law no dog chaining violate the US Constitution?

No. You may want to check your local and state statutes for pet laws.

Can the US Supreme Court violate the Constitution?

No, the US Supreme Court cannot violate the Constitution. The Court's role is to interpret and apply the Constitution, ensuring that laws and actions adhere to its provisions. While opinions on interpretations may vary, the Court's decisions are binding and can only be overturned or altered through subsequent legal proceedings or constitutional amendments.

What US congressman was instrumental in passing the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

With the US Congress deadlocked over the Missouri situation, there seemed no way to satisfy the Congress. The Speaker of the House, Henry Clay, however, presented a plan, a compromise, that Congress finally passed.

Does the US Constitution include the Bill of Rights?

A bill of rights was not included in the Constitution because most of those who wrote it did not think one was needed. What we now call the Bill of Rights was added as the first ten amendments to the constitution because the States would not ratify the Constitution without a promise that such a Bill would be added.

Can the Supreme Court declared any law unconstitutional?

As long as the majority of the court agrees that the law does, in fact, violate the US Constitution, they can declare it unconstitutional and strike it down.

Does the creationism act violate the establishment clause of the first amendment?

Yes, as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States of America in 1987 (Edwards vs. Aguillard), creationism cannot be taught in public schools as doing so would violate the US constitution.

What court has exclusive appellate jurisdiction in cases involving the validity of a provision of the Missouri Constitution?

Cases involving state constitutional questions that don't conflict with the US Constitution are heard in the state court systems. In Missouri, the Supreme Court of Missouri has ultimate authority over state constitutional issues under appellate jurisdiction.