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Bulimia is the eating disorder diagnosed by the behavior of binge-purge. Bulimics starve themselves for a time, then binge on huge quantities followed by self-induced vomiting. The acid from their vomiting eventually erodes/eats the enamel on their teeth, their gums and their esophagus. Fatal bleeding can result from this.

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Q: What of these eating disorders involves binging on large amounts of food followed by purging in an attempt to avoid weight gain?
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Which eating disorders involves binging on large amounts of food followed by purging in an attempt to avoid weight gain?

Bulimia. A serious eating disorder which is not a way of losing weight.

What eating disorders involves binging on large amounts of food followed by purging in an attempt to avoid weight gain?

These behaviors would describe those of someone who suffers from Bulimia or Binge-eating disorder.

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