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Q: What of these was a common slogan associated with the American Revolution?
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The main slogan for the Green Revolution is ,"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle."

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The slogan for the french revolution is Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

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The Glorious Revolution.

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"Remember the Maine" was the slogan associated with the Spanish-American War. I am not sure that McKinley used it. The slogan referred to the sinking of the US battleship Maine which exploded and sunk for uncertain reasons in the Havana harbor.

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Yes, the slogan was: Patria o Muerte Venceremos!

What were the stated goals of the slogan of the revolution?

The stated goals in the slogan of the French Revolution were liberty and equality, as well as fraternity. The French Revolution took place from 1789 to 1799.

What is the best slogan to be displayed in Independence Day?

There are many great sayings that can be displayed as the best slogans for Independence Day. "I'm Proud to be an American" is a common slogan. "Land of the Free" is another great slogan.

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