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It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. A heretic that spoke out against the Church and refused to recant and submit would most often be punished with excommunication. The Church, of course, always tried to save the person first as she is the Body of Christ and is here for the sole purpose of bringing people to salvation, but if she fails in that, she excommunicates in an attempt to limit the damage done, as she did with Martin Luther and other heretics of that era.

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Q: What often happened to a heretic that spoke out against the Roman Catholic Church?
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No, instead he was excommunicated as a heretic.

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.Catholic AnswerThe Lutheran Ecclesial Community did not "break away" from the Catholic Church. It was founded by Martin Luther, a heretic who left the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century and was excommunicated.

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.Roman Catholic AnswerMost of the people who protested against the Church in the sixteenth century were heretics and apostates. Today they are, more politically correct, known as "protestant reformers" by those who followed them.

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I think Martin Luther was declared a heretic not Martin Luther King.Martin Luther King, the American civil rights leader, was never declared a heretic by the Catholic Church.His namesake, Martin Luther, a 15th century Catholic monk, was however declared a heretic for teaching ideas and holding positions the Catholic Church understood to be false and a danger to the Faith as taught by the Church. His failure to stop his teaching of matters opposed to Catholic doctrine also brought him the penalty of being excluded from the Catholic community of believers, thus excommunicated.

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Heresy is a crime against the Christian church. Someone who commits a heresy is a heretic.