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Q: What one of The Intolerable Acts do you think most angered the colonists?
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The Intolerable Acts prompted the colonists to take this action against the British?

The Intolerable Acts led the colonists to place an embargo against Britain. The acts were a series of laws passed in 1774.

What were the intolerable acts and how did colonists react to them?

Intolerable acts pissed dem off 1st grade answer

What was the colonists name for the Coercive Act?

the colonists nicknamed the coersive acts the intolerable acts..

What did the colonists called the coercive acts?

The Intolerable Acts

Why did the colonis call intolerable acts The Intolerable Acts?

They were called Intolerable Acts by colonists because the acts were intolerable and horrible.

What is another name for intolerable acts?

The given name of the Intolerable Acts was the Coercive Acts. The colonists referred to them as the Intolerable Acts.

How did the The Intolerable Acts affect the colonists?

i think because they dint like them

How did the british government anger the american colonists?

there are theTownshend Acts ,the Quartering Acts, the Tea Acts, the Stamp Acts, Sugar Acts and Intolerable Acts.

Why did the Intolerable Acts anger the colonies?

The intolerable acts angered the colonies because it invaded their rights as englishmen.

What is Another name for the Intolerable acts?

The given name of the Intolerable Acts was the Coercive Acts. The colonists referred to them as the Intolerable Acts.

The significance of the Intolerable Acts?

the importance of the intolerable acts was that it was a tremendous change for the colonists and for what they did,they had to pay for it.

What wore the intolerable acts?

They had to do with after the colonists dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor. The British put restrictions on the colonists called the Intolerable Acts. I THINK!! Don't take my word for it. I did this last year for social studies :)