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Antigone represents the belief in honoring divine law and family obligations above human law, while Creon represents the belief in upholding the laws of the state and prioritizing political duty over personal relationships. Their conflict showcases the clash between individual moral conviction and societal order in the play.

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Q: What opposing beliefs do Antigone and Creon represent in Sophocles's Antigone?
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How are Socrates views with those of Antigone what are some similarities and differences?

Socrates and Antigone both prioritize principles of justice and moral duty in their beliefs. However, they differ in their approaches to authority - Socrates typically defers to the laws of the city, while Antigone follows her personal moral convictions over the decree of the state. Both characters also face conflicts between their individual beliefs and societal norms, leading to their tragic outcomes.

What do you call someone who always contradicts you?

A contrarian is someone who consistently takes an opposing or contradictory stance, often for the sake of argument or to challenge prevailing thoughts or beliefs.

What are the opposing views or arguments who might disagree with you and why?

Opposing views may come from those who believe in a different perspective or have contrasting values. They might disagree due to differing beliefs, experiences, or interpretations of information. It's important to engage with these views to have a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

Listening attentively to opposing views can?

help foster understanding, empathy, and respect for differing opinions. By actively listening to opposing views, we can engage in meaningful conversations, find common ground, and work towards solutions that benefit everyone involved.

What are Creon's beliefs in 'Antigone'?

Creon believes that a ruler's authority should be respected and that order and stability in society are essential. He prioritizes the state laws over familial bonds and feels that strength and power are crucial in maintaining control. However, his refusal to compromise or show mercy ultimately leads to his downfall.

Related questions

What fault does Antigone lack?

A fault is a defect or weakness in an individual's character or personality. In terms of Antigone, her main fault is her uncontrolled passion that disrespects the feelings of others. She's so convinced of the correctness of her beliefs and actions that she doesn't want to hear or reconcile opposing beliefs and actions. As a result, related faults that Antigone shows are pride and stubbornness. She also shows a certain lack of forgiveness in not giving her sister Ismene a chance to make up for earlier disappointments.But there are a number of faults that Antigone lacks. She isn't covetous, envious, or jealous. Neither is she cowardly, deceitful or greedy. Nor is she lazy, lustful, selfish or vain.

What are Haemons beliefs in 'Antigone'?

Family, the gods, and Theban traditions are Antigone's beliefs in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone believes in the importance of family. She evidences her belief in her commitment to getting her brother Polyneices buried. That commitment also is part of her belief in the importance of the gods and of Theban traditions. She says that the gods rule in the here and now as well as in the Underworld of the afterlife.

What do the B's represent in VBBN?

beliefs and behavior

How are Socrates views with those of Antigone what are some similarities and differences?

Socrates and Antigone both prioritize principles of justice and moral duty in their beliefs. However, they differ in their approaches to authority - Socrates typically defers to the laws of the city, while Antigone follows her personal moral convictions over the decree of the state. Both characters also face conflicts between their individual beliefs and societal norms, leading to their tragic outcomes.

What were Antigone's motives for defying Creon?

To defend her own beliefs. Who says he is right besides him? So, as far as right and wrong goes, nobody was right or wrong, they just had different beliefs.

What is a question that connects 'Antigone' to the real world?

What should happen when individual actions and beliefs don't line up with a particular society's definitions of acceptable and unacceptable behavior is a question that connects the play 'Antigone' to the real world. The play indeed pits the behavioral preferences and spiritual beliefs of Antigone against the behavioral preferences and legal action of her Uncle Creon, King of Thebes. In the real world of nowadays, that question may be asked by women in Muslim countries. Their role typically is more on the order of the unquestioning and obedient Ismene, and less on the order of the conscientious and passionate Antigone.

What bad thing did the snake do?

snakes represent the devil in the bible. and do to some peoples beliefs they represent evil ^_^

What does Antigone have to do with morality?

The play Antigone is all about morality, primarily concerning the conflict between divine law and human/state law. Also addressed are the topics of religion, gender rights, family beliefs, and self-concept (dignity, arrogance, and pride).

Are fire and water opposites?

Yes, fire and water are often considered opposites. Fire is typically associated with heat, dryness, and destruction, while water is associated with cold, wetness, and creation. They represent opposing elements in many cultural and philosophical beliefs.

What do Antigone's and Ismene's differences and likenesses say about human nature in 'Antigone'?

That people have beliefs which come about through experience is what Antigone's and Ismene's differences and likenesses say about human nature in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the phrase human nature describes ways of being and doing that humans share. It can be said to find its application in the play by way of the interactions between the very different yet similar sister Theban Princesses Antigone and Ismene. For example, Antigone and Ismene hold convictions that come about through response to processing experiences in different ways.

What is a plan or method for spreading beliefs or opinions is called?

The use of propaganda is a method to spread or promote ideas, beliefs, and opinions to further one's own cause or to damage an opposing cause.

What is heroic idealism in 'Antigone'?

Antigone's heroism because of her convictions is heroic idealism in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the term heroic describes the great deeds and great powers of the protagonist. The term idealism describes experience in terms of the hero's beliefs. Both descriptions fit Theban Princess Antigone's heroic deed of burying her brother Polyneices and her heroic power of the mind of respecting the role of the gods in life and death.