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Chocolate damages the stomach, which can not digest sugar. Actually sugar is not the culprit a chemical called theobromine is, dogs can digest sugar.

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Q: What organ does chocolate harm in dogs?
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In general, dogs cannot eat chocolate. And raisins are even more deadly to dogs than chocolate.

Can dogs ands cats eat chocolate?

NO. Chocolate contains a substance known as Theobromine.This is poisonous to dogs and cats. Different types of chocolate have different amounts of Theobromine. Do NOT feed dogs or cats chocolate.

Will chocolate cereal kill a dog?

No. There is not enough chocolate in cereal to harm your dog unless it is known to have a severe allergy. Some dogs are allergic to chocolate but most are not. The amount of chocolate in any cereal is very small.

What foods will harm my dogs?

Any Chocolate ... never feed a dog chocolate. Not sure what the chemical reaction causes, but do know it is bad for their digestive systems. Dogs should also not eat grapes because it is harmful to their Kidneys.

Why rottweiler dogs can not eat chocolate?

First, it's not just Rottweilers that can't (shouldn't) have chocolate - it is all dogs. Chocolate contains a small amount of a chemical called theobromine which is toxic to dogs - it causes organ failure and can cause death. The darker and more bitter the chocolate, the higher the concentration of theobromine, so baker's chocolate is more dangerous than a Hershey bar (although both are still bad).

Can chocolate make dogs blind?

Chocolate may kill dogs.

How much chocolate and carmel could harm a 65 pound puppy she ate the wrapper and all off one of those little dove candies and I'm not sure how drastic the situation is?

Dogs arent as severely sensitive to chocolate as people make them out to be. The only way that amount of chocolate couold harm your dog is if they actually had an allergy to it not just the sensitivity that all dogs have. Your dog could probably eat a lb of milk chocolate and still be okay. Just remember the darker the chocolate the more sensitive dogs are to it. One of the most dangerous chocolate to feed is pure unsweetened baking chocolate. But one or two peices of candy arnt going to do any harm. She may puke up the wrapper or maybe even the chocolate later but I doubt any other harm will go to her. When I was little my parents dog used to like to climb onto the table and eat the choclate cake, he also did that with a 13x9 pan of brownies and didnt even get sick.

Is semi sweet chocolate bad for medium dogs?

YES because all chocolate is bad for all dogs unless you invented chocolate for dogs.

What is in Terry's Chocolate milk chocolate Orange is it enough to harm a small dog?


Why are the flatworms and roundworms called called parasites?

have internal organ systems and both can harm you

Will one chocolate cookie hurt a dog?

No it should not hurt your dog. Like any other mammal dogs can be allergic to things and chocolate is one of the things known to make a canine react. The amount of actual chocolate in a cookie in small and your dog will be fine. But don't give your dog any more chocolate. You don't know how much it will take to cause your dog serious harm.

Why does chocolate kill dogs and puppies?

Chocolate has an ingredient in it that is toxic to dogs and puppies. Please DO NOT feed chocolate to them. It does not instantly kill them, but hurts the liver and kidneys and eventually this will kill them.