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Q: What organ is compromised when there is too much protein in the body?
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What is the largest organ and how much does it weigh?

the skin is your largest organ and it weighs 18% of your body weight.

You have to much protein in your body what could the cause be?

Your liver isn't filtering the protein correctly.

How much carbohydrates does the body need to build muscles?

As much as Protein.

What does protein help to do within the body?

Help repair cells and growth in hair . That's the basics

What is the largest organ of the body is it the dermis or epidermis?

Comparatively, the dermis is much thicker than the epidermis. But generally we refer to them both as the skin which is the largest organ of the body.

How much is one gram of protein?

One gram of protein provides the body with four calories of energy.

What part of your body alcohol does not affects?

alcohol affects every organ in your body; that's if you have too much.

What are some consequences of low calorie intake on body need for protein?

If the body does not get enough carbohydrates it will matabolize protein to use as fuel. look at the lions and tigers. And when a body consumes too much protein the dehydration synthesis will convert the protein into fat. So, the protein freaks have to also watch their portions as well.

How much protein does a pound of turkey have?

Enough Protein to give your body energy To do almost any physical activity

How much Protein Should i consume in a day to build my body?

fyck u

What causes low protein levels in the body and what are the effects of it?

protein is needed to gain and use muscle so if you have no or low amounts of protein in your body your muscles like the ones that surround your intestines to move the food through your body can not be used as much because protein is the muscles food.

What are the disadvantages of taking protein shakes?

If you ingest too much protein you can get protein poisoning, which is where your body isn't getting enough fat. I am not aware of any other disadvantages.