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Q: What organism has gram negative rods of varying size and shape?
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What are gram negative diplocci?

Gram negative diplocci is the name given to describe the structure and shape of the bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the infective organism of the STD gonorrhea) as it is seen on the microscope using a technique call gram staining.

What does a negative result for a spore stain indicate about the organism?

A negative result for the spores stain indicate that the gram-negative organism is present. A positive result for a spore stain indicates that a gram positive organism is present.

What is the shape of E coli in gram staining?

It is a Gram negative rod-shaped bacterium

What is the Salmonella typhimurium shape?

It's Gram-negative

What shape are gram negative bacteria?

Gram negative bacteria is shaped like rods and stained a reddish pink color due to the gram staining process. Gram negative bacteria do not form spores.

What color are gram-negative organisms if you over-decolorized them?

If the Gram Stain is completed properly, gram positive should stain purple; however, if you over decolorize a gram positive organism, the organism will appear appear pink, which is a gram negative reaction. To summarize, if you over decolorize a gram positive organism it will show as a gram negative organism.

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is salmonella typhi a gram negative bacteria or coccobacilli

Organism which is indole negative mr positive vp negative citrate positive?

Sounds like Citrobacter freundii. Double check that you do have a gram negative rod that is motile, H2S negative and oxidative negative (most gram neg rods are).

What color and shape is serratia marcescens?

Gram negative, is motile, red pigment and is a bacillus shape

What type of organism would you look for in a Gram stain of the blood or cerebrospinal fluid in a menin gococcal case?

A gram-negative diplococcus

Is Entamoeba histolytica gram positive or gram negative?

Bacteria are gram positive and gram negative (which means if you apply Gram stain to them, they either pick up the color (positive) or they do not (negative). Entamoeba Hystolytica is not a bacteria, it is a protozoa (one celled organism) that usually causes diarrhea and can be diagnosed from a stool sample and treated with drugs.

What shape is Bacilli?

Bacilli are usually in rod shaped form. They can consist of gram negative and gram positive bacteria.