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well in PCR technique it is a part of DNA whcih is used to polymerized or multiplied but for studing Genetic engineering we generally prefer most studied microorganism i.e. E.coli

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Q: What organism is used primarily in PCR technique?
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Is PCR the technique used to make multiple copies of even a fragment of DNA?

that is a true statement

What does the medical abbreviation PCR mean?

PCR stands for "polymerase chain reaction," which is a molecular biology technique used to amplify and detect specific DNA sequences. It is commonly used in medical diagnostics and research to detect viruses, bacteria, and genetic mutations.

Can the genome of an organism be taken as a template for PCR?

No about 16,000 bases is about the limit that you can do for PCR so perhaps you could use an entire viral genome (or a cDNA copy) as a PCR template but not an entire genome of cellular organism even if you ignore the fact that a eukaryotic organism has it's genome spread over separate chromosomes.

Kary Mullis is responsible for which of the following?

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique

What biologist and contribution of kary mullis?

Kary Mullis is an American scientist. He developed the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a powerful technique used to produce copies of DNA. PCR is now widely used in molecular biology and in the diagnosis of genetic diseases. He won the Nobel Prize in 1993.

What is the working principal behind RT PCR?

Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), is a variant of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) commonly used in molecular biology to detect RNA expression. RT-PCR is used to qualitatively detect gene expression through creation of complementary DNA (cDNA) transcripts from RNA.Even though both techniques, RT-PCR and PCR, produce multiple copies of a particular DNA through amplification, the applications of the two techniques are fundamentally different. The most common PCR technique is used to exponentially amplify target DNA sequences. Meanwhile, RT-PCR is used to clone expressed genes by reverse transcribing the RNA of interest into its DNA complement through the use of reverse transcriptase enzymes. Subsequently, the newly synthesized cDNA by RT-PCR is amplified using traditional PCR technique.Usually, RT-PCR is often confused with real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) by students and researchers alike, but they are quite separate and distinct techniques.

What is pcr and types of pcr?

PCR is a biotechnological method to amplify your gene (DNA) of your interest. It produce millions of your DNA fragments hence used in cloning. There are variants of this method using the same thermocycling principle such as touch down PCR, gradient PCR, RFLP, multiplex PCR, Q PCR, RT PCR and so on.

Which technique can be used to make multiple copies of a gene?

Polymerase Chain Reaction, also known as PCR, can be used to rapidly make multiple copies of a gene using a primer.Another method is to use a plasmid vector to carry, store and multiply a gene in a microbial cell, such as E. coli.

Which is used to copy DNA for DNA fingerprinting?


How does one gain a deeper understanding of rt pcr?

Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)is a technique used in biology to create more copies of a DNA sequence. To understand better access a biology textbook or take a course at college to fully understand the complexities.

What is the purpose of the mineral oil used for PCR when the termocycler does not have a hot lid?

To prevent evaporation of PCR products.

What is quantitative pcr technology used for?

Quantitative PCR Technology is used in biochemistry, in particular molecular biology. The PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction and is used to "amplify" pieces of DNA to make millions of copies of a particular DNA strand.