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Q: What organization did the Soviets create to counter NATO?
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What was the purpose of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

NATO was a military alliance formed by nations of Weston Europe and North America to counter expansion

The original NATO was to?

The original intention of NATO was to create a mutual defense pact against the Soviet Union. NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

What did the soviets sign sign in response to NATO?

The Warsaw Pact

Is NATO Turkey's organization?

Turkey is a member of NATO, but NATO is not "Turkey's Organization". It was an organization founded by the United States, the United Kingdom, and several Western European States.

What does the NATO have to do with the cold war?

It was origionated to slow and then stop the flow of communism without waging war. Kind of like the function of the United Nations. It's opposing organization is SEATO. (South East Asia Treaty Organization)

What do NATO and SEATO stand for?

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization SEATO: Southeast Asian Treaty Organization

How did the soviet union respond to the creation of NATO?

In response to NATO, The Soviet Union eventually went on to form what was known as the Warsaw Pact. This was an agreement within Soviet Countries that if someone were to attack one of them within the Pact, it would be considered an attack on ALL of them.

What was the Soviet response to NATO?

In response to NATO, the Soviets created the Warsaw pact, a military alliance between European communist states like Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and Czechoslovakia.

Which of these is a counter part of NATO?

Warsaw Pact

What was the name of the organization that was the polar opposite of NATO when NATO was created?

Warsaw Pact

What is the meaning of NATO?

The full form of the organization NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.

What international organization was a military alliance of eight European communist nation's enacted to counter the rearmament of West Germany and its admission to NATO?

warsaw pact...i hate study island