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Q: What organization helped with smallpox?
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What organization is responsible for the virtual eradication of smallpox?

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How did technology help treat smallpox?

Technology helped Smallpox because they invented the needle to cure it with, at least that's what my primary school teacher taught me!! Yeah i think they did invent the needle because a young boy was tried out with it first to see if it would work.

What disease helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs?


The plight of smallpox helped defeat the rebellion of what man?

Smallpox infected blankets were used to defeat the Native American opposition to conquest. The Native Americans had no natural immunity to smallpox.

How many people contract smallpox a year?

Smallpox was eradicated in 1980, so no one contracts it anymore.

What animal helped edward Jenner discover the smallpox vaccine- coes pigs or sheep?


How can a person get smallpox?

Smallpox was spread by inhaling the airborne virus, by direct contact with infected persons, and in some cases, by the virus being on bedding. After a program of vaccinations, the World Health Organization has announced that smallpox has been eliminated- first disease ever eliminated. Nobody gets it now. Roosters and chickens do not carry smallpox- it was a humans only disease.

Is smallpox curable or preventable and how is it?

Smallpox can be prevented in the vast majority of cases with a vaccine. Vaccination can be protective for up to several days after exposure to smallpox. Smallpox has been prevented through the effective Intensified Smallpox Eradication Programme, initiated by the World Health Organization. On 26 July 1978, WHO announced the eradication of the smallpox strain Variola Minor. The more deadly strain, Variola Major, had been eradicated several years earlier, in 1975. While some other treatments available in the US today might treat smallpox infection, none have been fully (if at all) tested against smallpox.

Does global warming have an impact on smallpox?

The World Health Organization certified the eradication of smallpox in 1979. Earlier during the 20th century smallpox claimed the lives up up to half a billion people. Since the only smallpox virus samples left remain in US and Russian bioweapon laboratories, the answer is no, global warming has no impact on smallpox. However, were weaponized strains to be released, the warmer temperatures would help accelerate the spread of the disease.

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Smallpox smallpox smallpox