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NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

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Q: What organization represented the democratic nations during the cold war?
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What was the name of the peacekeeping organization during the 1960s?

United Nations, or UN

What organization was created during World War 1?

League of Nations.

What organization during World War 1 did the US not join?

The League of Nations

What does the democratic nations have to do with the iron curtain?

The Iron Curtain refers to the separation between the communist and the democratic nations during the Cold war in Europe. Today the term is now irrelevant. Winston Churchill coined the term "Iron Curtain."

Did the United Nations help Jews during the Holocaust?

No, the United Nations Organization did not exist at the time.

Which change occurred during World War 1 as a result of total war?

Democratic nations became dictatorships

What is the best description of The League of Nations?

The League of Nations (LON) was an intergovernmental organization founded as a result of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919-1920, and the precursor to the United Nations.

What was the most democratic government in France in 1789?

The most democratic government in France in 1789 was the National Assembly, which was formed during the French Revolution. It represented the Third Estate (commoners) and was comprised of elected representatives. It aimed to provide equal rights and representation for all citizens.

Is Korea DPR North Korea?

Yes, DPR is short for Korea (Democratic People's Republic). It is used during sporting events when the two Korean nations participate in the same event.

What was the league of nations and how was it received by the us government?

The Leage of nations was an international peace-keeping organization that was created by President Woodrow Wilson during World War I, I believe, that was created to prevent future wars. Although the American president founded the Leage of Nations, the U.S. never joined it.

How does the central democratic principle of organization account for the success of Mao Zedong's Red Army Long March?

It united the leadership of the party and prevented from splitting the army forces during the Long March

What is the predecessor to the UN?

The United Nations predecessor organization was the League of Nations which was founded at the end of WW1 as a result of the Treaty of Versailles and managed to attract at its best the participation of 58 countries during 24 September 1934 and 23 February 1935.