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Q: What organs are involved in an autonomic visceral reflex?
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What is the deference between an autonomic reflex and a visceral reflex?

They have different names :L

How do visceral reflex arcs differ from somatic?

An autonomic reflex arc is similar to the somatic kind, but differs principally in the motor output side. The sensory side is similar in that a transducer sends a signal via a nerve fiber into the CNS. As with the somatic arc, this sensory fiber is associated with a pseudo-unipolar neuron in a craniospinal ganglion, usually one of the dorsal root ganglia. In the autonomic arc, the sensory transducer is often located in or associated with visceral organs.

Examples of visceral reflexes?

An example of a visceral reflex would be the things your stomach has to do to digest food. There are sensory receptors that get stimulated when food is present and they tell other cells to get on with the work of digestion by a visceral (internal organ) reflex. Your digestive system has so many of these that the network involved with this is sometimes called the second brain.

Is an ankle jerk reflex somatic or autonomic?

Ankle jerk is somatic. It is the reflex action, in which the afferent. connecting and the efferent neurons are involved. Autonomic nerves do not supply the striated muscles.

Is the pupillary light reflex autonomic and somatic?

Pupillary light reflex is autonomic.

What function does the medulla perform?

The medulla contains an autonomic reflex center involved in maintaining homeostasis of important visceral organs. Including the cardiac center which adjusts force and rate of heart contraction and the vasomotor center that regulates blood pressure by acting on smooth muscle in the walls of peripheral arterioles. Lastly, the respiratory center which controls the depth and rhythm of breathing.

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Is a gag reflex considered an autonomic reflex?


Does visceral reflex arcs have two sensory neurons?

No, it has 2 visceral motor neurons. A visceral reflex has a receptor, a sensory neuron, a processing center, and 2 visceral motor neurons.

Pupillary light reflex somatic or autonomic?


What reflexes are classified as autonomic reflexes?

The ciliospinal reflex and the pupillary light reflex are classified as autonomic reflexes.

Is the corneal reflex a somatic reflex or an autonomic reflex?

This particular reflex is autonomic as the affected muscle, constrictor pupillae muscle, is a smooth muscle and not under conscious control. Typically if you can consciously contract the muscle, any reflex associated with that muscle is somatic in nature.