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Many people begin to meditate because a gentle longing arises in them: a longing to know the answer to a few basic questions: who am I, is there something beyond the 3-dimensional world, what is life ultimately about?

This longing propels a person into meditation, because mystics from all traditions down through the ages have promised that if you meditate, you will begin to get a glimpse into the answers to these questions.

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Q: What other activities derived from yoga?
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What are some flexibility activities?

Strectching, and yoga,

What is the meaning of yoga in Sanskrit?

The word 'Yoga' is derived from Sanskrit 'yuj' which means 'join' or 'unite'.

What is the difference between a yoga and a marga?

yoga and other activities are mainly 8 divison. One of is is used for body fittness and Marga is mean heavan.

Is the word YOGA derived from Latin?

The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word 'yuj' meaning to yoke, join or unite.

Asian recreational activities?

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Where can I purchase yoga supplies in Dallas, TX?

There is a place in Dallas called Yoga Studios. They specialize in Yoga classes and related activities. They most likely offer Yoga supplies as their career revolves around Yoga.

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Yoga Therapy, derived from the Yoga tradition of Patanjali and the Ayurvedic system of health, refers to the adaptation and application of Yoga techniques and practices to help individuals facing health challenges at any level manage their condition.

Does yoga make you faster?

Yoga doesn't usually make one faster. It is more about getting your body to coordinate more well and your body's stretching better. Yoga doesn't really have any activities that would make you get any speed into your cardiovascular activities.

What are some examples of muscular flexibility activities?

Yoga, stretching and acrobatics.

What are Russell simmons' hobbies and activities?

Russell Simmons is an avid yoga fan

What do you call a yoga pratitioner?

A female who teaches yoga is known as a yogini. The word is Sanskrit and is derived from the masculine form of the word which is yogi.

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