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That depends on how you are keeping your Discus. If they are in a bare "species tank" with no gravel or plants, I would suggest you don't add any other species. If on the other hand you are going the "decorative, planted aquarium" way then I would be suggesting one or two of the "Corydoras" family as bottom dwellers, a shoal of around 12 Tetras (I like "Cardinal tetras" (Cheirodon axelrodi)) to provide action and colour and maybe a few livebearers (guppies?) to provide a bit of interest for the Discus in the form of livefood to hunt occasionally. As a retired Discus breeder, my advice is to look after their water quality, followed by look after their water quality, followed by keep an eye on their water quality. I can not stress this enough. Discus are as tough as nails provided they have perfect water that suits their requirements perfectly. To keep Discus healthy, daily water changes of at least 10% are a neccessity as are water changes of a minimum of 50%weekly.

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14y ago

If you are refering to the "nemo" type clown fish, they are from the tropical coral reefs of the world so almost any small coral reef fish would be OK in the environment you would have to provide to keep a "Clown" (AKA Anemone Fish) alive in. There are also several other species of fish that are commonly called "clown' Such as the "Clown Puffer Fish" which is also a Marine fish and the "Clown Loach" which is fresh water. The latter grows to a large size (over 12 inches) so must have a very large tank and likes a to be kept in groups of more than 5.

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11y ago

Discus is a sport and fish do not have hands, they cannot live with discus because they cannot comprehend the weight.

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What fish can you put in with your goldfish?

you can put a put a clown fish or a angel fish but you have to have a lage a place to hold the fish because angel fish a a little territorial

Do Clown Fish like to live with other clown fish?

NO way they all seem so cute but they can get quite agrressive when other fish come in their territory!

Are parasites native to clown fish?

Yes a clown fish is a parasite because it lives in a sea annimani,thats protecting it from other organisms that will harm it and the clown fish is doing for it.

What do Clown anemonefish eat?

The Clown Anemone fish is a type of fish who relies their safety to other creatures in the sea. Usually Clown Anemone fish eats plankton or algae.

What is clown fish the characteristics of the clown fish?

What is the unusual characteristics of the clown fish?

Do clown fish eat other fish food?

Yes, they do actually.

What are clown fish prey?

Clown fish eat algae, small worms, isopods, and organisms such as plankton. They are prey to sharks, other fish, and eels.

What is a clown fish in french?

Clown fish in french is poisson clown

Do hammerheads eat clown fish?

Yes, hammerheads do eat clown fish as well as other fish, squids, and octopus. Their favorite meals however are stingrays.

What kind of fish can you keep with clown fish?

Clown Fish

What is a clownfish mean of protection?

The main and only mean of protection for clown fish is the anemone. This is the reason why clown fish spend all their lives swimming nearby anemone. They protect each other. It is called "symbiosis".

How are clown fish and anemone are interact?

They live in mutual symbiosis and help each other to survive. Anemone allow clown fish to swim very close to his poisonous tentacles. Clown fish defend and prevent anemone to be attacked and eaten by other fishes.