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Q: What other symptoms of Melanoma such as feeling tired or sick etc?
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What the top five symptoms of depression?

The top five symptoms of depression are feeling overly tired, a change of appetite, feeling hopeless about your life or future, feeling physical aches or pains, and you may have suicidal thoughts.

What is feeling cold and tired a symptom of?

The symptoms of "feeling cold" or being "tired" are non-specific symptoms that could relate to several illnesses-- or could simply be a passing event that goes away with rest. Some people who chronically feel cold and tired have anemia or a low red blood cell count. If your symptoms persist, see your physician. NOTE: No one should rely on medical information from the Internet. Only a physician can diagnose your symptoms.

What are some hypersomnia symptoms?

There are a number of hypersomnia symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include feeling excessively tired during the day, anxiety, lack of energy and loss of appetite.

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feeling very tired and weak all the time (fatigue)a general sense of feeling 'out of sorts', such as feeling irritable and miserable all the timepain in your limbs, particularly in your legs

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There are many symptoms that come from enlarged livers. All of them are dangerous. They include feeling of fullness and jaundice. Jaundice should be a big sign because it is a discoloration of the skin. It makes it appear more of a yellowish color. Other symptoms include getting tired more easily, weight loss, and feeling very weak.

What are the symptoms of people who experience sick building syndrome?

People who have SBS generally experience symptoms related to the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. They also may complain of overall symptoms such as feeling very tired.

What can i use for tired eyes?

An artificial tear can be used as a "re-wetting drop" The tired feeling is commonly caused by dryness so a moisturising eye drop may relieve the symptoms you are experiencing

Why you don't want to shower?

some people don't want to shower or wash when suffering from depression. This will also be among other symptoms of feelin tired and in a can't be bothered mood, restlessness, Insomnia, feeling tearful, stressed, anxious and other symptoms but not necessarily all at the same time. See your doctor.

What are the common symptoms of kidney infections?

Common kidney infection symptoms include: pain in your sides, discomfort in your lower back and around your genitals, high temperature, shivering or chills, feeling very weak or tired, loss of appetite, and generally feeling sick.

Can you find your pregnancy symptoms before your period?

The first symptoms of pregnancy normally come just after your first missed period, but the most common symptom is feeling tired and having this feeling that you are pregnant.

What are the symptoms of a low TSH level?

There were a numerous symptoms of a low TSH level some are : feeling tired, weak or depressed, dry skin and brittle nails, not being able to stand the cold,memory problems.

Is tired a feeling?
