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ermm....sorry i dont know but i think this homework is done already....

if u r at DGGS

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Q: What other types of society exist except from democracy?
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Which areas in the world are transitioning towards democracy?

Democracy will soon be a thing of the past. We are going the other direction, to a police state like society.

Do rights have something to do with demoracy?

Rights can be upheld only through democracy. On the other hand democracy is about rights: their definition, negotiation and protection. In sum: rights can only exist in a democracy and democracy is noting more than the embodiment of rights.

The most useful of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a?

The most useful of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a civilian government. Other forms of government can happen in non-democratic platforms.

Why does feminism exist in society?

Feminism exists in society because women are not equal to men in our society. Feminism will continue to exist until there is equality not just between men and women but until other forms of oppression such as racism exists.

What other astronomical bodies exist except planets and satellites in the solar system?

Asteroids and Comets.

What does Winston churchill mean when he says democracy is the worst form of governemtn in 1947?

HE is saying that democracy is the best form of government known to man. The full quote is "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." In other words, "Democracy is the worst, but it beats all the other ones that have been tried".

Is ancient Greece a democratic society?

Ancient Greece did not necessarily exist as one country. There were many cities within Greece that governed themselves based on different governments. The Athenians did have a democracy, but the Spartan's government was militaristic. There were also monarchies, oligarchies and several other types of government.

What kind of life exist on other planets?

As far as what we know today, there is no life on any planet anywhere, except the Earth.

What exactly did Winston Churchill say about democracy?

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.

What is the best description for democracy?

Democracy is a political government either carried out directly by the people or by means of elected representatives of the people. "Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time". Winston Churchill.

What is a complex network of voluntary associations economic groups religious organizations and many other kinds of groups that exist independent of government?

Political Partys, and or a democracy...

How does the speech of the dwarves and the speech of the trolls differ?

dwarfs speak like other humans, trolls dont exist except on the internet