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mitosis and binary fission

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Q: What pairs names two methods of sexual reproduction a meiois and binary dission b mitosis and meiosis c mitosis and binary fission?
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Related questions

What are the methods in asexual reproduction?

Binary fission Multi fission Budding Fragmentation Parthenogenesis. Are some .There are many in plants too.

Do protists use binary fission?

Protists do use binary fission. It's up to you to find out the other methods of reproduction now.

What are The Different Methods Of Asexual Reproduction By Farmers?

Binary Fission Budding And I don't Know Maybe

Methods of Sexual Reproduction?

wew im djannela preston MY answer is meiosis for sexual and for mitoses asexual rerpoduction

What type of reproduction bacteria use?

binary fission

How do organisms make more similar organisms?

There are two ways of reproduction, asexual and sexual reproduction. Similar organisms reproduce when organisms reproduce asexually because only one parent is involved in this type of reproduction and so there is no mixing of genetic material and exact copy of parent reproduces. Common methods of asexual reproduction are: budding, binary fission, multiple fission, parthenogenesis, etc.

A group of organisms that produce offspring like themselves?

Sexual reproduction allows for organisms to reproduce and pass on their traits.

What are the different methods of asexual reproduction in lower forms of organism?

There are five methods in asexual reproduction. They are: 1. binary fission- examples are: euglena, amoeba and paramecium 2. fragmentation- examples are: molds and yeast 3. regeneration- examples are: planaria 4. sporulation- example is: bread mold 5. budding-- examples are: hydra and yeast cell.

What methods of plants reproduction are asexual?

1. Binary fission 2. Parthenogenesis 3. Agamogenesis 4. Apomixis and nucellar embryony Examples of plant structures associated with asexual or vegetative reproduction include: Runners/ stolons (e.g. Strawberry plants) Offsets Bulblets

Multicellular organisms reproduce by binary fission?

This statement is not correct. Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction typically seen in single-celled organisms like bacteria. Multicellular organisms reproduce through sexual or asexual reproduction methods such as spore formation, budding, or by producing seeds or eggs.

What are the 2 main methods of reproduction?

Sexual and asexual reproduction.

What are the natural methods of asexual reproduction?

there is nothing like natural methods of asexual reproduction...from the term asexual, it means artificial