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The majority of paratroopers are infantry soldiers, and their mission is identical to infantry. The only exception is how they get to the battle field ... they drop in from the sky.

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Q: What paratroopers do during war time?
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Related questions

What were the names of the planes that dropped paratroopers?

the names of the planes that dropped the paratroopers during the second world war were c47's.

What was the most important Omaha Beach role in D-Day during World War 2?


Did the Japanese Army ever deploy paratroopers during World War 2?

Yes they did but only in a small scale and for sabotage and/or "commandos" actions.

Why did The Battle of Arnherm occur?

The Battle of Arnhem occurred during World War II by accident. Some paratroopers from the Allied Forces were supposed to land miles away from this location, but the wind made it impossible and the paratroopers landed in the middle of German forces.

What countries had paratroopers in World War 2?

The US , Germans ,

How many paratroopers did the Douglas C-47 drop at one time?

28 paratroopers can be dropped at one time from a Douglas C-47.

How did the Germans invade Crete in World War 2?

Paratroopers (fallschirmjäger)

Is it permissible to fire on a descending enemy paratroopers?

"Anything's fair in love and war"

Who invades Normandy during World War 2?

The Allies invaded Normandy during World War II. The Allies were composed of the British, the French, and the Americans, but only the Americans and the British invaded Normandy. The Americans actually sent in paratroopers the day before and the paratroopers took out some of the major German guns that were protecting Normandy. The U.S. also dropped fake paratroopers to distract the Germans in a different area. These fake paratroopers were machines that made Machine gun noises and shot fire crackers to make Germans think that they were real people.

Total us paratroopers in World War 2?

I would have to say about 10,000 to 30,000 paratroopers as an estimate, for more info check a national geographic movie about it , they should have if not ask around.

What major battles were fought during World War 2 by paratroopers?

German: Blitzkrieg, Crete, Monte Cassino, Bulge Allies: D-Day, Market Garden, Bulge, Crossing the Rhine

Where does the phrase Geronimo come from?

Type your answer here... Geronimo!............ it was made by paratroopers in world war II