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The Fugitive Slave Law angered the Northerners a lot.

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Q: What part of Compromise of 1850 angered northerners to the point they abandoned Fillmore and brought an end to his political career?
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Which president signed the compromise of 1850?

Millard Fillmore supported this compromise and signed it into law. It did little to settle the slavery issues it was designed to settle.

Who did Millard Fillmore anger the north or the south?

Fillmore supported the Compromise of 1850 and like any compromise, it did not satisfy anybody, but it was most hated by strong anti-slavery people in the North.

Which event occurred during the presidency of Millard Fillmore?

compromise of 1850 approved

What political party was Millard Fillmore?

Fillmore was a Whig. He was the last of four Whig presidents.

Which two presidents were in office during the passage of Compromise of 1850?

They were Taylor and Fillmore. Taylor opposed it but then died and Fillmore reversed Taylor's position.

Millard Fillmore's political party?

Millard Fillmore was the last U.S. President of the Whig Party.

Accomplishments of Millard Fillmore?

Millard Fillmore accomplishments include the Compromise of 1850 and the admission of California and New Mexico as free states. Fillmore was the 13th President of the United States from 1850 until 1853.

What groups did Millard Fillmore anger?

Fillmore angered the abolitionists and other anti-slavery groups in the North, by the Fugitive Slave Act, which was part of the Compromise of 1850. This compromise was engineered by Henry Clay. It was opposed by Fillmore's predecessor, Taylor.

What was milliard fillmore's political party?

He was the last president who was neither; he was a Whig.

What laws did Millard Fillmore try to pass?

Fillmore supported the Compromise of 1850 which was Henry Clay's attempt to resolve the crisis over slavery and prevent a civil war.

What political party did Millard Fillmore belong to?

The Whig party.

Millard Fillmore belonged to what political party?

The Whig party.