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Q: What part of plants that its volume increase when the cell is placed on water?
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When a rock is placed in a graducated cylinder containing water the height of the water will?

increase, as the rock displaces a volume of water equal to its own volume. This causes the water level to rise in the graduated cylinder.

Why is it that balloon placed in hot water increase in size?

When a balloon is placed in hot water, the air particles inside the balloon gain energy and move more rapidly, causing them to exert more pressure on the walls of the balloon. This increase in pressure leads to the balloon expanding in size as it tries to accommodate the higher pressure from the heated air molecules.

How do you increase water volume in a house?

Increase the water main diameter

What causes water erosion to increase?

An increase in volume or velocity of the water will increase erosion

When temperature decreases what does the volume of liquid water do increase or decrease?

The volume of water increase under 3,98 oC.

What happens to the volume of water when it is boiled?

The volume will increase

Why can you add sugar or coffee to a cup of water without causing the volume of the water to increase?

The only thing you can add to water to increase its volume is more water.

When sugar is disolved in water there is increasing in the volume?

The volume increase.

How does freezing water affect the volume and mass of water?

The volume increase, mass does not change.

Does the volume of water affect the temperature increase when reacted with calcium oxide?

yeah the temperature does increase, when you increase the volume of water the temperature of calcium hydroxide increases too!

Does the volume of salty water increase when its temperature increases?

Yes, though it is slight, the volume increase is measurable when the temperature of salt water increases.

A volume of water is heated from C to C what happens?

As the water is heated from 0°C to 4°C, it undergoes a phase change from a solid to a liquid, experiencing an increase in temperature while maintaining the same state (liquid water) until it reaches 4°C. At 4°C, water has its maximum density, after which further heating until 100°C will result in the water transitioning to a gas (steam) at its boiling point.