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Q: What part of the deer is the most effective place to shoot?
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What part of the game animal is the most effective place to shoot?


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In the head is most effective.

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Is it legal in Oklahoma to shoot a deer with a potato gun?

It is only illegal if you kill or injure the deer when it's not in season and/or without the proper tags and licence. Most potato guns have the potential to injure a deer, and if it does, you may receive a nasty fine from the game warden. It is not illegal if the deer remains unharmed however.

Can you shoot a deer with a 410 shotgun?

DONT DO IT!!! you will only hurt it. Only shoot it with a rifle. What if you live in Ohio and can't use a rifle Jack Wagon? If the right ammo is used and the right placement is done it will kill a deer Are you crazy? You would have to be extremely close to the dear to kill it with a 410 (10 meters at most) and a deer would hear you if you got close enough to kill it so its unethical. either shoot it with a rifle or in certain circumstances you could possibly kill it with a 12 or 20 gauge.

Which is the most effective position to shoot a basketball above the head chin height or chest height?

It depends on which position the shooter is comfortable at.

Where do you shoot the deer with a 12 gauge?

In my opinion, a lung shot will be the most reliable, whether you are hunting with buckshot or slugs. While this link is to a bow hunting site, it has a good illustration of the location of a deer's heart and lungs. Good hunting-http:/bowsitezperiodzcom/bowsite/features/articles/deer/heartorlungs

What is the most effective fly control?

Sanitation & Exclusion (keeping them out in the first place.)

Where you can Putt from?

techniquelly you can putt from anywhere, but the most effective place to put is when your on the "green"

What do you need to hunt?

In most cases, a license, a firearm and ammunition or bow and arrows suitable for deer hunting, a knife for field dressing the deer, blaze orange clothing so YOU are not mistaken for a deer, a place to hunt deer, and a peanut butter sandwich to eat while waiting for the deer to show up.