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Q: What pattern symbols are used to match garment pieces when sewing?
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The Envelope, The Cutting & Sewing Instruction Sheet and The Tissue Pattern Pieces.

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A tailored garmet is a garmet made by first cutting garmet pieces and then sewing them together tofit the shape of the body. Examples Jackets, pants, and skirts...

What does embroidering mean?

Embroidery is decorative sewing, sewing not for the purpose of maintaining the structure of a garment, but for making it pretty.

What embroidering does?

Embroidery is decorative sewing, sewing not for the purpose of maintaining the structure of a garment, but for making it pretty.

What is generally printed on tissue paper and used with sewing?

Patterns to cut out the pieces of garments are usually printed on tissue paper. Information such as manufacturer, pattern number, pattern size, symbols for instruction, seam allowance and direction of fabric are usually included as well as the basic shapes.

How would you secure the pattern pieces to the fabric whilst you were cutting out?

You use straight pins to secure the pattern pieces to the fabric before cutting. Remember to remove the pins before sewing, however.

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What is the difference between a regular sewing machine and a quilting sewing machine?

A regular sewing machine is for piecing the guilt together, and a quilting machine is for the stitching on the top of the quilt. A regular sewing machine is for piecing the guilt together, and a quilting machine is for the stitching on the top of the quilt.

Why is carbon paper used in sewing?

Actually, carbon paper is NOT used in sewing, because the carbon would stain fabrics. Special sewing copy paper can be used to transfer pattern marks onto fabric and these marks can be easily washed out of the finished garment. However, that is an outdated technique that is rarely used in modern home sewing.

How do you make clothes?

The most common way to make clothing is to buy some fabric, and a pattern. You then follow the directions about how to cut the fabric, and how to assemble the pieces so you can sew them together. You can take clothing you already have, take apart the seams, and use the pieces for a pattern for a new outfit, but that is best for experienced sewers. It is also possible to make clothing by knitting or crocheting various pieces from the yarn.