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Q: What percent of Earth's land surface is currently covered by glaciers?
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What percent of Earth's surface is covered by glaciers?

Approximately 10% of Earth's surface is currently covered by glaciers.

Do glaciers cover 70 percent of earths land?

No. Only a fairly small percentage of Earth's land is covered by glaciers. However, about 75% of the surface is covered by water.

How much of Alaska's surface is covered by glaciers?

There is about 4.9% of land covered by glaciers in alaska.

What percentage on earth's surface is covered in glaciers?

it is 28% of the world was covered by glaciers. 28% of the earth was covered by Glaciers during the Ice Age.

How much of the earth is covered by freshwater?

Freshwater makes up about 2.5% of the Earth's total water supply. However, much of this is locked up in glaciers and ice caps. Only a small fraction (about 0.3%) of the Earth's water is freshwater available for human use in lakes, rivers, and underground sources.

What is the percent of glaciers on earth?

Glaciers cover nearly 10% of Earth's land surface.

What percent of earth is covered by glaciers?

About 10.4% of the worlds land surface is glacier. That is way lower than we should have. Stop polluting, littering, and being bad for our Earth!ilovecatz1234

How much was earth's surface was covered by glaciers during the last ice age?


During the last ice age how much of the earths surface was covered by glaciers?


During the last ice age how much of the earth's surface was covered by glaciers?


What percentage of the earth's surface is covered in water?

About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered.

What percentage of land is covered by glacier?

Glaciers cover nearly 10% of Earth's land surface.